800-341-8641 info@cscatm.com


Resolve over 63% of your issues without dispatching a tech

Pressure to manage the self-service channel effectively and efficiently is on the rise. As a result, Financial Institutions are looking for alternative ways to keep up with ever-changing compliance standards, reduce operating costs, increase ATM availability, and enhance customer satisfaction. CSC, LLC RemoteView does all of this and more, resulting in superior control over a Financial Institution’s ATM fleet.

CSC, LLC RemoteView is a remote ATM management tool that provides a faster and more economical approach to ATM service.  CSC, LLC RemoteView helps our customers by providing greater ATM availability, tighter control over software patches for Windows and PCI compliance, improved E-Journal retrieval and archiving, and the ability to better align branding and marketing messages within the self-service ATM/ITM channel.

    Monitor, manage and maintain your ATMs/ITMs. Reduce service calls with remote troubleshooting and expedited resolution. Includes remotely identifying the problem and repair of basic software issues for increased uptime.

    If RemoteView Specialist are unable to fix, a technician is dispatched with detailed diagnostic information for faster repair and a first time fix

    Windows Patch Management
    Maintain compliance and keep your ATMs/ITMs secure with up to date Microsoft software patches.

    Hard Drive Backup
    Daily backups performed to limit downtime and data loss.

    Hard Drive Encryption
    Lock down your hard drive with 256-bit encryption to prevent unauthorized access.

    Electronic Journals & Analytics
    View and download real-time electronic journal activity and reports which are uploaded automatically.

    Security Plus
    Protect your devices with trusted application control to prevent malicious attacks.

    Marketing Screens
    Deploy advertisement screens to any and all ATMs/ITMs, automatically at times you choose.

    Connect | Internet
    Managed Wireless Connectivity


    RemoteView ATM/ITM Diagnostics means more UPTIME resulting in the ability for more customer transactions. Without RemoteView ATM/ITM Diagnostics installed, when a fault occurs at your ATM/ITM, whether it can be a card reader, printer, or dispenser issue, the ATM/ITM is out of commission until a technician has the ability to diagnose the issue on site.

    The picture changes dramatically with RemoteView ATM/ITM Diagnostics: Our RemoteView technicians monitor, maintain and manage your ATMs/ITMs remotely regardless of brand. When a fault occurs an alert is sent to our team notifying us of the issue. With RemoteView ATM/ITM Diagnostics we have the ability to remotely connect to the ATM/ITM, and in less than 30 minutes on average we have been able to fix 67% of the time without a technician ever having to step foot on the premises. If are unable to resolve the issue remotely, a technician is dispatched with the exact error codes, which means a faster repair because the diagnosis has already been identified.


    Do you know the current status of your ATMs/ITMs?
    Are you managing all of your ATM/ITM details from a current spreadsheet?
    How do you access your Electronic Journals?

    How does the ATM/ITM connect to RemoteView?

    We install a small Windows-based agent on your ATM/ITM. The agent communicates Outbound only to the IP address & port specified.

    Can I view all my ATMs/ITMs from one interface?

    ES, you finally can! Our Dashboard simplifies viewing all your locations and analyzing data—in aggregate or individually. For security purposes, you can designate which user has access to what data, and multi-factor authorization adds a 6-digit PIN to enter before anyone can login.

    With RV ATM/ITM Diagnostics you receive
    • 24/7 service
    • Remote Identification of ATM/ITM problems
    • Immediate resolution of problems in most cases
    • Remote reboot and repair of basic software issues on your ATMs/ITMs
    • Prediction of “problem” machines
    • Increased uptime on your ATM/ITM fleet
    How much can this service save me?

    Financial institutions investing in real-time ATM/ITM monitoring and transaction analytics software report reductions of 26% in failed transactions within their first year of product use.

    EJ Archiving

    An electronic journal entry is created every time a customer makes any type of transaction at an ATM. Those journals need to be kept offsite in case a customer has a discrepancy or dispute regarding a transaction. Financial Institutions are subject to strict rules regarding how to resolve errors and how long to retain records.

    When you protect yourself with the RemoteView ATM Electronic Journal Archiving Module, every journal is securely uploaded to the RemoteView Dashboard so you can access all transactions immediately. We store all your transactions for 3 years. However, you can download from the Dashboard any Electronic Journal you need to store on your own system. In addition, if you have subscribed to RemoteView Surveillance, every transaction is tied together with its video.

    Are you in compliance with archiving requirements?
    • Protect yourself against Reg E Act 205.13
      (Administrative Enforcement: Record Retention)
    • Receive a secure electronic folder to house all Electronic Journals
    • Automatically archive all Electronic Journals for three years
    Are my electronic jounals stored securely?

    Yes, your Electronic Journals are stored on our systems: All data stored on our systems is encrypted.

    Can we specify who has access to the Electronic Journals in the dashboard?

    Absolutely, Within the dashboard, you can specify who has access to what data.

    How it works

    With the RemoteView EJ Archiving Module, you have access to the Electronic Journals tab on the RemoteView dashboard. The Dashboard is a centralized web interface that enables you to view features of your system—anytime, anywhere, on any device. In addition to being able to review and archive your Electronic Journals (and video, if you also have RemoteView Surveillance), you also receive a complete set of analytic tools. With the click of a mouse, you can view:
    Security is our #1 focus. Our SOC 2 Type 2 audit confirms that we follow a set of pre-defined benchmarks for security, availability, and confidentiality. We use AES 256 bit encrypted VPN connections, which are considered among the most secure available: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is used by the U.S. government to protect classified information and is implemented in software and hardware throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data. In addition, we test for vulnerability every month.

    • Numbers of transactions per day
    • Transaction totals per machine and per network
    • Numbers pf transactions per hour
    • Transaction fees (profitability)
    • ATMs by manufacturer
    • Daily and monthly transactions
    • And much more
    Hard Drive Encryption

    ATM/ITM hard drives are stored within the machines and are typically left in their raw (unprotected) state. This is a potential
    security risk, as a small amount of customer data is stored on these drives. Cook Security Group’s hard drive encryption
    module prevents that potential security risk by encrypting the data at rest.

    Why use Hard Drive Encryption:

    Every organization has confidential information needing to be protected from unauthorized individuals. The amount of platforms
    a company uses is typically in direct correlation to the size of the organization, the more platforms a company uses
    the greater the opportunity for unsecured access points. Of released reports, more than 660 million records have been
    compromised in data breaches since 2013. Keeping data secure is a necessity in today’s society for conducting business,
    and while there is an influx in security measures via password requirements, biometrics, smart cards and other tokens,
    they are not the means to an end, they are simply the first step in security protocol.

    What is Hard Drive Encryption:

    Hard Drive Encryption is a technology safeguarding information by transforming it into unreadable code which cannot easily
    be deciphered by unauthorized individuals. Cook Security group has the ability to encrypt individual files, folders, volumes
    or entire disks within a computer and is compatible with countless hard drive manufacturers.

    • Lock down your hard drive with up to XTS-AES 256-bit
      encryption to prevent unauthorized access
    • Full Volume encryption: Fully compliant with all ATM/
      ITM machines
    • Remotely managed by Cook Security Group Remote-
      View Services
    • Testing and Removal Hard Drive to ensure encryptions
      is successful
    • Ability to retroact Hard Drive Encryption at any time
    • Windows 10
    • TPM Chips
    • RemoteView Diagnostics Module
    Marketing Screens

    When a customer uses your ATM/ITM it presents a unique opportunity, rarely do their eyes leave the screen during a transaction! Very few advertising mediums can make that claim, which puts your institution in an intriguing position. You have the ability to create a marketing campaign targeting the users of your ATMs/ITMs.

    With our RemoteView ATM/ITM Marketing Screen Module, your advertisement screens are remotely deployed and automatically updated. Whether your ads appear on the welcome, wait, or exit screens, if you want mirrored displays on all your ATMs/ITMs throughout your institutions or separate ads on all of your ATMs/ITMs, we can deploy them automatically.

    Build your ATM Network by Promoting Advertising

    How profitable is each ATM you have? What if you partnered with stores and restaurants to install ATMs in their locations?

    • Customize their screens to run ads promoting their specials or other products or services they offer
    • Provide a valuable service to their customers, saving on credit card fees, and spreading their message
    What is involved in changing ads?

    We simply upload the new ad to the ATM according to your instructions. Ads can be on the Welcome, Wait, or Exit screens, and can be deployed to all your ATMs or to individual ones. Most of our customers pay a monthly fee and update screens quarterly. Let us know if you’d like a different schedule.

    Your Marketing Campaign Springs to Life!

    • Upload marketing screens to each ATM quarterly
    • Coordinate with in-branch campaigns or in-market advertising
    • Use a shotgun approach across your network or individualize screens at each location
    • Tie into branch Plasmas, LCDs, Servers, Desktops or Printers
    • Run ads on welcome, wait and exit screens
    How secure are the connections we use for access?

    Security is our #1 priority! The SOC 2 Type II audit confirms we follow a set of predefined benchmarks for security, availability and confidentiality. We use AES 256 bit encrypted VPN connections, which are considered among the most secure available: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is used by the U.S. government to protect classified information and is implemented in both software and hardware throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data. In addition, we test for vulnerability each month.

    Patch Management

    ATMs/ITMs run a Windows computers internally, just as your personal computer needs security patches, so do ATMs/ITMs. With ATMs/ITMs capturing your customer’s bank account and financial information this is extremely vital. Microsoft releases security patches on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, too many financial institutions don’t deploy these patches regularly. By not updating the patches on a schedule can lead to unstable systems and out-of-compliance ATMs/ITMs, as well as making you vulnerable to outsiders hacking into your network.

    RemoteView ATM/ITM Patch Management Module will ensure all your ATMs/ITMs remain in compliance by regularly receiving Windows updates and service packs. We will provide a detailed quarterly audit report of continuous updates and patches that you can provide to your auditor so when you are audited you can easily provide documentation of what has been conducted on your equipment.

    Reduce Risks from Outside Hackers!
    • Monthly Windows security updates and service packs installed automatically
    • Alleviate all internal installs
    • Full quarterly reports satisfy ATM/ITM compliance for Auditors
    How secure are the connections we use for access?

    Security is our #1 focus. Our SOC 2 Type 2 audit confirms that we follow a set of pre-defined benchmarks for security, availability, and confidentiality. We use AES 256 bit encrypted VPN connections, which are considered among the most secure available: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is used by the U.S. government to protect classified information and is implemented in software and hardware throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data. In addition, we test for vulnerability every month.

    Do you deploy Microsoft Patches during the day or at night when the ATM/ITM is less likely to be in use?

    We can customize the schedule to best suit your needs.

    Can a patch take the ATM/ITM out of service?

    We test every patch on every ATM/ITM. In the unlikely event that a patch takes an ATM/ITM out of service, we can roll back the patch to restore the ATM/ITM to service.

    Security +

    ATMs/ITMs run a Windows computer internally, just as your personal computer needs security software, so do ATMs/ITMs. With ATMs/ITMs capturing your customer’s bank account and financial information this is extremely vital. Ever since Microsoft discontinued support for older versions of Windows, the biggest threat to your ATM/ITM network is malicious attacks targeted to ATMs/ITMs. Having RemoteView ATM/ITM Security Suite installed on your ATM/ITM, we can prevent attacks.

    Rest Easy Knowing your ATMs are Protected:
    • We use the industry-leading anti-malware and trusted applications software available
    • Your institution is in compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, (requirements designed to ensure that ALL companies that process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment)
    • ATMs/ITMs are protected by a firewall
    • Fully managed security policies including full quarterly reports for your audit trail
    • Preventative USB stick read/write control
    • Malware has the ability to mutate as frequent as hourly, this makes signature-based prevention tools obsolete
    • Preventative USB/DVD application auto-start control
    What Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware definitions do you use?

    We use CylancePROTECT, an integrated threat prevention solution combining the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to block malware infections with additional security controls safeguarding against script-based file-less memory and external device-based attacks.

    How do you prevent malicious or unintentional threats?

    Combing RemoteView Security+ and CylancePROTECT will provide the most secure environment. Unlike traditional endpoint security products relying on signatures and behavior analysis to detect threats in the environment, uses AI to identify and block known and unknown malware from on endpoints

    • Delivers prevention against common and unknown (zero-day) threats without a cloud connection
    • Continuously protects the endpoint without disrupting the end-user with unmatched effectiveness, minimal system impact, and zero-day prevention, CylancePROTECT safeguards endpoints and organizations from compromise
    How secure are the connections you use for access?

    Security is our #1 priority! The SOC 2 Type II audit confirms we follow a set of predefined benchmarks for security, availability, and confidentiality. We use AES 256 bit encrypted VPN connections, which are considered among the most secure available: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is used by the U.S. government to protect classified information and is implemented in both software and hardware throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data. In addition, we test for vulnerability each month.

    Why is Traditional White Listing Protection not enough?

    White Listing simply checks the application’s ID and allows the application to run with no further controls. This lack of further monitoring results in possible “zero-day” vulnerabilities, which could turn the trusted application into a malicious application in run-time. The exploited White Listed application could easily alter system configurations, drop file-less code into the system via registry configurations to defeat the White Listing, and become persistent on the ATM/ITM. This approach to security does not defend against zero-day or other unknown vulnerabilities and requires signature and rule updates. Until these updates are applied, the ATM/ITM is at risk.

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